James Vick Futebol is super excited to announce that registration for fall programming is now open!
You can click on events, then click JVF Futebol, or you can follow this link!
The school based soccer program will offer a free middle school soccer league, and skills training for younger students.
The program is free, and open to all NHPS Student athletes, fall programming will be for K-8 schools, with the program expanding in the spring to include high school students.
Younger student athletes will have the opportunity to participate in skills training!
The James Vick Foundation wants to thank the amazing community partners that made this program possible!

Scheduling, including games and practices will be announced later this week!
Once you have registered, you will receive an email from our staff with next steps, Covid-19 protocol information, and the zoom meeting schedule.
If you are a school administrator, a parent, a coach, or an athlete, and have questions regarding the program, feel free to reach out to the us via the contact form on this website!