NORTH HAVEN - The JVF is so proud to announce that Hayly Caruso has been named the 2021 JVF Athlete of the year!!!
In what will be remembered as one of the greatest accomplishments by a JVF athlete, The North Haven native started the #JVFHockey program in 2021. Up until this year, the JVF only offered basketball, soccer, and lacrosse. In a stroke of brilliance, and innovation, Hayly requested that the organization start a field hockey program because she believed it was needed.
She was right.
#JVFhockey would go on to become the biggest program we have, serving girls in 5 different counties spanning Connecticut, and New York, the program also developed club teams that got to host tournaments, travel to out of state tournaments, host a summer league, and a skills clinic.
#JVFHockey is so unique because it wasn't started by adults, it was started by an active athlete, who had the vision, the belief, and the love to create an incredible opportunity for her peers.
The JVF athlete of the year award is now three years old, and never in the history of this award has an athlete been more deserving.
Sadly, Hayly will be graduating this later this year and moving on to college, but her legacy endures, as #JVFHockey is thriving, and set to welcome a brand new class of athletes looking for an affordable and accessible opportunity in the sport of Field Hockey.

What a monumental achievement for this young lady, we are so proud of her, she has become a standard bearer for this organization, a title she will carry forever.