The James Vick Foundation was informed last week that our organization has been awarded a significant honor by the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce!
We will be participating in the "Big Connect" sponsored by Mutual America, and Comcast Business!
The GNHCC has blessed the JVF with the vaunted Starburst award to our CEO Christian Vick for "transforming the community with a fresh approach, or innovation".

The award will be extended to us on November 18th, at the non profit awards virtual breakfast at 8am, we are so excited to be exposed to so many wonderful and successful people, we plan to spread the word about the JVF!
Our team would like to first thank all of our athletes, three years ago we embarked on this most difficult mission of creating a new avenue for children to gain access to sport, we entered an industry that seemingly had lost sight of why the kids needed access to sport, and more importantly, that the kids enjoying themselves should take precedent over everything.
We ignored the silly politics that have ruined the youth sports experience for so many deserving athletes, and instead focused on what matters, the kids being happy above all else.

On the strength of that objective, and in the face of establishment level challenges, the kids believed in us, gave us everything, and continue to support the mission in various capacities on and off the field.
The JVF is only as strong as the kids that support it, without their support, love, belief, and passion, our CEO would not be accepting an award at the biggest business conclave in Connecticut.
We are also so proud of our diversity, from Maddie Epeke in Guilford, to Anderson Garcia in Columbia, we have met amazingathletes from every walk of life imaginable, and we look forward to meeting millions more in the decades to come.
Christian Vick will be accepting the award on behalf of the athletes, this award is for them, they earned it, and we are super proud of every person who has walked through the door since 2018.
The ceremony will mark a new and fresh direction for this foundation, we plan to spend the rest of 2020 raising resources, and attempting to finalize our new HQ, we are energized by the love of our of athletes, and the sensational accomplishments we have all enjoyed over the last three years.
We also want to thank James Vick Beverly Vick, Michele and Nick, David Yanik, Celine Zartaga, Jodi, Clara Pavone, Anthony Miller, Rep. Pat Dillon, Todd Hill, Realist Ventures, Jackie Downing, Anne Lozon, Kim and Mark Levinstein, Amanda, Shea, Rachel, Ray Boog, Aly Wheway, Jean Davis, Eli, Kevin, G-man, The JVF Viper Family, The United Way, Clifford Beers, Arnold, Edgewood Magnet School, the Truman School, all the Parks and Rec Departments that allowed us to grow this summer, all the coaches and referees that contributed to the Dream League, The former University of Bridgeport, Yale University, Albertus Magnus, Fair Haven Community Health Care, the town of Hamden, and the trail blazers over at CFC Park. .
We want to thank the parents that supported us, even when it wasn't the popular thing to do, we love all of you!
There is an endless amount of people to thank, but we wanted to try and mention some of them!
We have decided to share the video that will play before Christian Vick is presented with the award, we hope you enjoy it!
Please check back with us before the 18th, we will provide a link to the presentation!
In the meantime, we will be releasing our programming schedule for 2021 in late December!
Thank you for an historic year, we look ahead with so much excitement!